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An Adaptive Social Media Experience

Writer: Austin TurnerAustin Turner

Updated: Sep 13, 2024

My made up cover art of different Nintendo pictures found from Google.

In a class course that I took to learn about adapting to the media and other platforms I was able to dive into the understanding of how publishing works. I was assigned to choose four different areas of social media or how people can connect to different parts of social media through their phones. The first one was a podcast channel, the second was a creation of a Facebook page, the third was a mobile experience app, and the fourth one was a YouTube creation channel. Before I began this journey and creating content to publish for these platforms. I had to choose a topic that would fit into all of it. After much thought and discussion, I had chosen to do it on electronic games, more specifically on Nintendo. Nintendo happens to be a very deep topic and a long history one as well with all the background and the consoles and games that the company of Nintendo has created for over 50 years now.

1st Podcasting

Snap shot Picture of a slide that I presented to others.

Snap shot Picture of a slide that I presented to others.

For the first channel this is a bit hard to narrow down the topic to just one thing. After all there was a ton of history to how the company got started. There is also a ton of opinions over the many generations towards which game and gaming console is the best. Nintendo has now come out with seven gaming consoles. And 716 licensed games all together. Due to this information, I had asked group of friends to get together with me to talk about the evolution of these while we talked about the history of it and gave out our opinions to what we liked about each one. We also talked about the differences of each gaming console and the console wars during its time frame. I was able to record and publish 3 episodes with all we had talked about in this subject. Doing a podcast is a way to help share and spread information as well as awareness for others to hear and gain for themselves.

A snapshot picture of the Podcast I created.

A snapshot picture of the Podcast I created.

To View, join in, and listen to my Podcast, go to:

2nd A Social Media Choice

A snap shot of a slide that i put together for a presentation.

I chose to use Facebook because I am involved with it every day. It is easy to use, and the posting was a bit mindful on things that I wanted to have published as my content. I did a few quizzes and surveys as well as some topic questions to ask. I also did a few throwback Thursday posts as to reflect upon some interesting facts about the history of the Nintendo company. This felt like a normal thing that I can do daily with my own page and with commenting to other pages. I understand that Facebook is one of those platforms that everyone can turn to. To ask questions and get feedback as well as a way to connect with others. It is a way to keep in contact with others when you need it. I even posted my podcast on this page as well. To help others know and be aware of the information I created and that is out there to share.

The only challenge that I had with this is that Nintendo has its rights to its name. There is also already a few pages that have the Nintendo’s name on it. Therefore, I had the hardest time to have three words as my title. It was supposed to be named as “Nintendo History page,” or even named as “Nintendo nostalgia for nerds.” Due to the copy right laws that are there and the complications of even posting it with such name. I had to name it in such a way of just simply getting around it. So, I ended up naming it as “Mario Company” in the place of the word Nintendo. I felt kind of lame in that sense, but it had to be done.

A snap shot of a picture to a Facebook page.

If you wish to view, join in or be connected to this page, go to:

3rd A Mobile App

A snap shot of a slide that i put together for a presentation.

A snap shot of a slide that i put together for a presentation.

For this one I had to figure out a way to connect with others by building a mobile app experience. This one I was able to narrow it down to simply using characters from Nintendo. Believe it or not, there is an encyclopedia on Nintendo already out there. This book mainly talks about the company with the game consoles and the games that go with each one. However, I have not seen an app or even a book focused more about the characters that Nintendo has created. Therefore, I created an app the is a concept on this idea. I created a small example of a Nintendo Character Encyclopedia. This will show the background, the History, the story, and anything else about each character that Nintendo has published for their games. I think that I would continue to make more and turn to publish this as an app that would help connect with learning about Nintendo.

One interesting fact is that at first the company of Nintendo did not want to publish this Mario figure character. The thought was in Japan that it would not sell well, and the game would be flawed because it would not game popularity if sold first in Japan among their people. However, I have learned that the Owner at the time took a gamble and said, if not in Japan, then America would! Super Mario Brothers was the first American released game before that Mario character gained its popularity. The name of Mario was to give the notion of thanks to a man that helped the Company gain a place to stay in New York City. Mario through the years gained so much popularity after its release that it has become an icon to the Companies name. This information can be easily found off of Wikipedia and other sites on the internet. Wouldn’t it be even better if there was a book or an app about it that others can go to? Why not then a Nintendo Character Encyclopedia to help spread more awareness of the Information that is out there.

If you would like to see the app as a demo, please go to:

4th and Final Channel (YouTube)

For this last part of the assignment, I wanted to build upon the experience that I have with Nintendo. However, through it all, I really am not much of a gamer. I do not have a lot of free time to just sit there with a controller in hand and play electronic games through out each day. I do own a Wii-U just for fun and to my horrible admonition of how I like to play racing games and have a few Super Mario games to play with for myself and others. I have not really played a Zelda game even when I was growing up. To Dive into this experience, I felt the need to put an end to my humiliation and actually play a Legend of Zelda game. Link from Zelda is also an iconic character and is one of the best featured players of all time. It has many stories that are easy to follow, and I wanted to gain a better understanding of what it is all about.

I recorded and created a video of myself playing this for the first time and wanted to share it as part of camera as well as my phone to record my thoughts and my reactions as well as the game being played on screen. I recorded a total of 6 hours of game play along with what I thought about each part of it. However, the challenges that I came across is that I kept on getting killed in the game play. This was just because I did not know what I was doing or supposed to do in order to not die in the game. For this reason, I turned to YouTube to watch others play this and to help me walk myself through with what I needed to do. I have gotten through half of the game in doing so and I have really enjoyed playing it so far. I can not wait to see how it all ends!

I used Movavi as my program to put all the videos together and to edit it them all the way through.

I used Movavi as my program to put all the videos together and to edit it them all the way through.

As to be the author and be able to publish my own recording to YouTube. I needed to come up with a time frame and I found out that YouTube will not allow others like myself to post a video longer than 15 minutes. I do not understand that part. However, I only needed was a 10–20 minutes of video to make and publish. I decided to put together the first chapter of the game play and talk about it from there. To show a glimpse as the first part of the story line that I went through as I played the game. The total amount of time I was able to create and publish was just under the 15-minute mark and the YouTube site accepted it. In the process of putting the videos that I made together. I used a program called Movavi. This program was downloaded and with some small inside purchases I was able to create the look and feel that I wanted. I was able to bring the videos that I wanted to have all into one place and I also could narrate and show the content that I wanted to have in the video. I was able to cut and crop and zoom in to places that I wanted to do as part of the editing process before I could complete the time frame of the 15 minute window. If you are interested into it by reading this far. I would like to present to you now my YouTube video as a concept and demo to what I was able to play and record at the same time.

How does this all connect together?

As I look back there was a lot of variety to this topic that I chose and there would still be a lot of ground to cover. I chose to do these channels in the way that I did because Nintendo is still very popular in some ways. They mainly focus on family and kid friendly game play and that is what I like to do when playing games. The thing that I wanted to connect this to is how I can go from wading, swimming, and diving into a topic that I wanted to have fun with. Wading, swimming, and diving are terms as to how far a person wants to go when that person has any sort of interest. Wading is like walking along the shoreline of the beach just getting your feet wet and feeling the water and the sand. Similarly, it is like looking at the information provided to someone and seeing if that person would want to learn more or gain access to more about the subject or topic.

Wading, Swimming, and Diving

Wading is like listening to a podcast and hearing all about it but not going any further than that. The Same thing can apply with a social media aspect in turning to something like Facebook. People on Facebook can look at the information and watch videos and then choose to be involve with the discussions that are there, or perhaps create a discussion. When swimming into a subject like I did with Nintendo I not only looked into the History and the Information that is out there, I chose to talk about it and express my thoughts and opinions about it. I even created a Facebook page about it and also an app to help spread more information and to share something that would be fun and enjoyable to have such as the Mobile app. The Character Encyclopedia would be a way to help share something fun and to help others learn something like I have learned along the way. The way that I chose to dive into the subject was to simply get involved and play a game. By recording my thoughts, my reactions, and the way that I played the game. I can simply show someone how much fun it is to play a Nintendo game and hope to get others involved with it too. I hope that if someone were to watch me play it and view my reactions that maybe they could also get the gain for themselves and play it too. That is how I have seen it all connect together. I have learned that It is part of knowing how to immerse yourself into what you want to do, to participate in, or become involved with. I have also learned, how to create an interactive experience while knowing and reaching out to all of the audiences that you can. You do not have to confined yourself to one specific platform. The audience that you as an author are trying to reach out towards will be very limited if you do.



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