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Learning about Virtual Reality

Writer: Austin TurnerAustin Turner

Updated: Sep 13, 2024

A picture I found of what a type of gaming goggles known as an oculus looks like.

Virtual reality verses Augmented Reality is a project study that I have done.

As part of my web design experience I was chosen in a class room setting after the 2020 pandemic to see how well both can work at home, work, and school. Some say that both Augmented and Virtual realities are the way of our future. However, I would like to know How it can work inside any of these places we count as being our homes, schools, or work places? How would it impact our lives and our children's lives? I would also like to know how it may change how others work? That is what this study and article is all about.

The Utah Valley University metal sign

The College of Utah Valley University or UVU, was chosen by the Company of Facebook to have a few Digital media classes. To contribute toward a study to see how effective it would be in a virtual meeting setting. While I was part of this study and research The professors also talked us through what the company of Facebook wanted and I excepted the challenge. The UVU College provided Oculus VR headsets for each student in this study. The professors provided us with lectures and other presentation ideas to this study with things that can impact us with augmented reality.

a picture of a pair of the original Oculus head set

Learning The Set Up

The set up to an Oculus 2 VR headset was slightly confusing at first because it was a new technology piece I was not use to. For those being a gamer and knowing what an Oculus is. These VR headsets where also made for PlayStation games which would make it easy for the gamers out there to understand. It was easy to learn and use and adapt to as people like me can adjust to it while gaining our structural baring's. In a way It is like putting on an advanced and decked out set of goggles over your face. That would then light up like a very close tv screen and give you a phone set up that shows apps you can click on and play. To those that may not understand this item, it is simply big and bulky for the face and may feel awkward with some sort of strange hand sets that can only work while seeing the screen that is inside this headset.

Inside the meetings app I was able to view and see the class of those who participated in this study along with me. The set up was that I am to learn and be aware of my surroundings while I was at home and hooked up to my WIFI using the strange hand controllers I was able to navigate and find a place to set up a space I wanted to be in and draw my "virtual space" out as well as a desk space inside that space to use. The down side of using this VR headset was having to make sure that I was hooked up to my WIFI and having to redraw my desk space all the time or to reset my Virtual space in the room i was in.

Understanding AR Verses VR

Augmented reality was really cool to see as the headsets provide you with a virtual like computer and keyboard to use. I am at awe and wonder of augmented reality as technology just keeps getting better and great to use. The Oculus can provide a way without using the hand controllers. By its own recognition of how we can use our hand gestures. We can scroll, tap or double tap to click or enter, pinch to hit or select. So How would augmented reality impact us individually? One day, or some day into our future I can see that a simple pair of glasses with be infused with a few microchips that help bring augmented reality to life. Then to also add the virtual reality of gaming to the same idea that can be easier to wear and less bulky on the individuals face. Some technology is doing this already to help the blind to see as the chips are implanted into the brain of a blind human. Where the glasses or a headset for the blind can take pictures and send them to the brain to signal their view and sight to view and understand what they are suppose to see.

An add example found from online

Until then, there are some devices that can be hooked up to computers that can show augmented Keyboards for typing. As well as other things that show a lighted display that augments a physical object that the device uses to recognize things and interact accordingly toward how it is programmed. Virtual reality is something entirely different than how we can view a digital world to be. Viewing yourself in a digital world can be simple as we think about gaming and creating characters or avatars in place of our physical existence to become a fake but digital presence for us in the virtual world. Thanks to those who invented Art and computers and 3D images we can see ourselves in that virtual light and strive to connect and interact with others virtually, mentally, and in long distances. Trying to show off a presentation in a virtual classroom setting was both tricky and hard. In the virtual work side of things sharing projects and information can be easy. To present as if you hopped out of a chair and stand in front of a class is tricky only for the use of your hand controllers to move and navigate around.

Virtual reality as well as gaming both can put an individuals mind into another world where the mind can think and play and roam around without feeling anything but your own emotions. Some say its a mind-scape with the thought of how VR can think that it is fun and entertaining. Others may look at the cost and how it affects your senses and habits and will not go near it. This is with the negative thought of how people tend to lose themselves and their sleep and eating habits wasting their time on games and then destroying their good eye sight by having a screen so close to the face all the time.

A picture I found that represents augmented reality from the Avengers movie

The Future of VR

So how will it impact us in schools and at work? One day I can see that schools would have spent a lot of money to the expense of learning through technology and having classes research and learn physically through what technology can provide. Having to write and interact with a digital white board on a wall. Being able to save all the written content for later and then to keep putting down more content and images you wish to have on the wall. Or, having to take notes on a digital desk for you to save and have where ever you go. Taking the steps further from an augmented keyboard, to an generated pop-up screen that an individual can touch and interact with in an office, or even in a car. These things may sound too expensive and far-fetched to be real. However, some day it could happen for technology to be interactive where ever you are and it would not matter what device you have for it to connect to or work along side it that will change your experiences about the use of technology forever.

With all the talk and imagination on what a virtual reality experience can be or bring. Technology in some way, shape, or form has transformed our very lives for good and bad. It has been great to see what we can look like and how we can interact with others in a classroom virtually. Giving high fives, hand shakes, and other human gestures. being able to see how others can move about or raise a hand or to see their facial expressions as they talk and for them to see the same from you and your reactions while interacting with others. The down side to this is with the wearing of the device on your head can be exhausting and give you headaches and or feel like a bit of motion sick to it. It is also hard on the eyes as I have noticed how I forget to blink and or feel the strain in my eyes with the motions and having a screen so close and be glowing with all its colors ever so brightly.


Since the pandemic of 2020, the mentality of it all is more of a struggle for a lot of people. I have stated that it can be a mind-scape and it is that way for a good reason. Talking and going through the motions of just being able to think and speak while you have the feeling of being inside a game. Also, having the headset on for as little as an hour can be hard on the head and the brain. Dealing with the constant flux of emotions and data and information. It is no wonder that some people have become socially awkward and or hardly speak to people in person just having the fear of what they connect with in reality to what others think happen in the same way but through the interactions of others in the digital world. However, I think that meeting online or in a virtual space can still come in handy to be able to communicate with others.

I am glad that the idea of virtual reality has become a thing in gaming and non-gaming. This is because it has opened up the options of what businesses can do with their employees without always requiring to be in an office building to work. It has welcomed the idea that remote jobs are the best idea in expanding the business and being able to reach out to others that have the talent and work skills to do the tasks that the business wishes to accomplish. This idea also, reduced the stress and anxiety of others in a meeting setting especially when a team member of the business is expected but can not be there in person to share vital information.



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