Nintendo images used from the Internet and put together.
I did my podcast on electronic games. That would be the broad topic, but to be more specific I talked about Nintendo and the History of it as a company. The goal was to get a few friends together to talk about our own experiences about playing on the Nintendo consoles and the games we favored as we played with family or friends. The second episode did not quite turn out as I thought it would from the beginning. But, having a part two helped in the end since there was so much to talk about with these game consoles. The goal was to talk about the history first and then our experiences with them and then to talk about the console wars between companies and the different platforms that were created.
Settings and Researches
First of all I needed to get something that would record the sound better so I bought myself a new microphone called the blue yeti. It is really nice and very useful upon a computer that can not do the best of recording qualities. This is the picture below of the mic that I used. It has good buttons and a good recording range that I can switch to for room or personal usage. Since my computer has a hard time recording good sound quality this microphone really has done the trick and I am loving it! All I had to do was plug it in and test it out.
This is a picture of my very own Microphone that I used.
I had a lot of fun putting this together and for the content I did a basic overview and study and wrote down notes in what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. I watched YouTube documentary videos that also gave insightful information about Nintendo game consoles. I recorded myself as the narrator of it all and as the host. I also used Wikipedia to have a good background reading and knowledge of information that I could say things in my own words. The only hard parts where the names of the owners to the company because they are Japanese names. I have made it clear that this is for educational purposes only even in the podcast. This was just in case the Company ever tries to find me and go after me for talking about their history and making opinions of the games and game consoles as well as some of the music I have found from YouTube.
As for YouTube in using content from the Media to create another media-based podcast. I used an online converter to help bring some content of music for the background that I did not have. There were only 2 songs that were of Mario based soundtracks that I personally owned a copy of. Again, I did a careful study of even the songs and judged as to determine what songs to include into the previously recorded audio.
YouTube was the biggest reference so that I could write down my own notes and talk about it with out plagiarizing the Information from Wikipedia.
The Process
The program that I used this time was Adobe Audition which did a lot better than my first recording with Audacity. I was able to fine tune it with in a good listening time frame and edit a lot of it out. We did a recording into an open living room next to the kitchen. Unfortunately, by those who I tried to cut out from walking around or from the humming noises of the refrigerator. We have a squeaky floor in the house. The living room was the only available room to do it in. Parts of the rest in the recordings were done alone. I had a plan to narrate a lot of the history and a plan to also, record my friends together talking about Nintendo stuff.
This is a screen shot image of the sound bit recording as I continued to edit. The red flames indicate the noise and he pitches of the recorded sounds. the bigger the flame the louder or lower the sound was.
The Edits
This picture above is what Audition looks like to get a sense of what I was using and editing my recordings with. I think this is a really, great program and I should have used it from the start of my very first podcast. I was able to use the features and effects to help reduce background noise by de-clipping and de-clicking which helped with any popping sounds or clicking sounds and to help it not sound so loud or muffled at all. These things helped to make it clean and clear and crisp. Then I followed it by using de-noise to help with other background noises that were interfering and captured with the voice recordings. This was a great improvement to the whole thing. The music can add to making it sound even better in some places too.
This recording ended up being approximately 1 hour and a half long that I had to edit and cut lots of time out and then split it properly into two good time frames. After much of the editing was done and listening to it over and over to catch different parts of the bad “ums”, and “aaands”, and “uhh’s”. There might be spots where it sounds choppy but, I did the best that I could to make it all sound great. I feel confident in the flow of it to be smooth enough to hear it well and clearly. Then I took some music sound bits and put them into the background to fit with what we are talking about. This was done to hopefully entertain the listeners from being bored of the information that they are hearing and not loose interest. The process of the editing and the music was a lot better and easier this time rather than the Audacity program. I even fine tuned it so that it did not sound too loud or too soft. I added an effect that would help focus in on those talking and less of what was captured as background fuzzy or humming noises.
The Cover Art
This is a picture of me with an image art that i quickly put together and a game console controller in hand.
The cover art that I chose would be interesting to note here. I found a few images of Nintendo game consoles and also the game characters and I wanted to put them together. I went ahead and printed it out and that is the picture that I am holding up in front of me. The other thing that had to be cropped out was a game console controller or tool in the other hand. I was wanting to have both of them in the cover art. As you can see It barely made it in, but it became a failed attempt that I had to settle with for a small image. See the Images below.
After several run throughs I was finally able to test it from beginning to end a few times to really examine what I could have missed. Then made some small adjustments to the level of the sounds for the music in the background and listened to it one last time before I exported it. Then I listened to it on my phone while I was at work. Again, it sounded really, great to me. I had a few selected others listen to it and give me feedback. Then I made some very minor adjustments and called it good. I have added it to my first podcast stuff from before and changed the look and feel of the Anchor podcast that was previously posted. I wished that there was a way to create channels or separate pages so that the past ones would have their own page of sorts.
The link to the published podcast is: This is where you can find the podcast and content with all its metadata that I also went through and created to fit with each recording. I also made sure that it works after publishing the three recordings.
These two pictures are testing it on my phone based to see if it went through and then listened to them to make sure it all worked out.
I think this was a great way to learn how to publish things and to work with more meta data issues as well as a longer recording. I had fun creating and putting together this podcast with the content that I was able to find and share from all the research that I did. Please feel free to take a listen to the link above. I know that I did a lot of researching into this and I hope that it pays off as an example of my skills and levels of expertise. I find that i do enjoy making and creating podcasts as to get others together and talk about things no matter what the subject is. In a way I can use this more now to talk about personal situations and topics that can help bring ideas and awareness to the front of others. As I have shared this with others for testing, they even mentioned to me that I have a great voice and that I could be a radio announcer. But, only if I wanted to be that and do that as a full time job. I think they could be right, it is a possibility of things I can do. Later on I had to show case it for the class as to practice gaining interest from others to listen to my podcast.